360 degree Video of Surya Mandir Modhera

If there is any living god worshiped on earth, it is Surya Narayan. This is the god without whom human life is not possible. The main temples of Sun God, who has been worshiped since time immemorial in the entire universe, are located in only two places in India. One in Odisha’s Kornak and the other in Gujarat’s Mehsana district in Modhera. Built during the Solanki era, this temple is an exquisite example of craftsmanship. Then the visit to this world famous Sun Temple has become a special memory for me.

The dynasty that built the Surya temple belonged to the Solanki clan. Solanki dynasty was also called Suryavanshi. He worshiped Surya as a tribal deity so he decided to build a magnificent Sun Temple for the worship of his primordial deity and this is how the Sun Temple of Modhera took shape.

This temple was built during the reign of Patan royal Bhimdev Solanki in AD. Happened in 1026-1027. The temple is built near Karkavritta at 23.6 latitude. This temple was earlier known locally as ‘Sitani Chauri’ and ‘Ramkund’. Alauddin Khilji during his invasion caused a lot of damage to the temple and vandalized the idols of the temple. Currently, this temple has been declared a monument of national importance by the Archaeological Survey of India.

Surya Mandir is world famous for its carvings and art. In the inscription near the sanctum sanctorum of the temple, AD. 1027 is mentioned. There are total 52 pillars in the temple hall. These pillars are carved with images of various gods and goddesses and scenes from Ramayana and Mahabharata. These pillars look octagonal when looking down and round when looking up. So many people come to visit the Sun Temple not only from the country but also from abroad.

Sury Mandir Modhera 360° View – Click Here

Sury Mandir Modhera Vav 360° View – Click Here

The biggest feature of this temple is that lime has not been used anywhere in the construction of the entire temple. Built in Iranian style, this temple was built in two parts by Solanki Bhimdev. The first part is the sanctum sanctorum and the second is the hall. The inner sanctum of the temple is 51 feet, 9 inches in length and 25 feet 8 inches in width.

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