Baby girl started walking as soon as she was born! viral video

Viral Video: You must have seen many cute viral videos of small children on social media. But recently, the video which seems to be going viral very fast on social media has surprised everyone. If you also watch this viral video, then you yourself will be stunned. Often small children try to walk on their own after seven to eight months, but in this video, a newborn baby who is only three days old is trying to walk and turn over in the hospital itself, which is seen not only by her parents but also by the doctors present there. And the nurse too. Ever since this video has gone viral on social media, people are surprised to see this video as well as praising the baby girl of only three days.

The entire social media was stunned by the walking of a three-day-old girl
Recently, US resident Samantha Mitchel told Kennedy News during an interview that when her daughter was only three days old, she started trying to roll over and crawl on her own. When I saw my daughter walking, I myself was very surprised, I could not feel that she is only a three-day-old baby.

Fans gave their reaction
When Samantha Mitchel shared this video of her baby girl on social media, people gave a lot of different reactions to it and also liked the video. One user gave his response saying that ‘I don’t think this baby is of 3 days, it seems to be of 3 months’, the other user has said that he has given a response of

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