રાજયમાં આંખ આવવાના કેસમાં થયો ધરખમ વધારો,જાણો તેનાથી બચવા નાં ઉપાયો.

As the monsoon season comes, the cases of spreading many diseases are increasing. Many times we hear in the cities that when diseases have increased, currently one disease is spreading most rapidly in the whole state which is the disease of the eyes. This disease is caused by conjunctivitis virus.

We see that the cases of eye drops are increasing day by day so what are the symptoms what should we do to avoid them. We will get every information. What should we be careful about if the eye comes.

An ongoing eye disease is an infectious disease spread by contact with an infected person or by using something from an infected person. This disease is caused by conjunctivitis virus. In which the symptoms of a person’s eyes are red, tears coming from the eyes, swelling in the eyes, discharge of debris in the eyes.

Do not come in contact with a person who has this disease, avoid shaking hands with an infected person. One’s clothes, and handkerchief should be kept separately. Do not rub the eyes, keep the eyes clean, wash them with warm water.

Apart from this, the doctor should consult the doctor, the infected person should wear glasses, the infected person should wash his hands frequently with soap. If a person is infected, do not put any medicine or any other medicine in the eye without consulting a doctor.

રાજ્યમાં આંખ આવવાની બીમારીએ હાહાકાર મચાવ્યો છે જાણો તેનાથી બચવા નાં ઉપાય ગુજરાતીમાં 

If there is itching or swelling, do a cold water shake and if it hurts or stings, then do a hot water shake. Clean the eyelashes with warm water and do not scratch the eye. Avoid contact with the patient to prevent the spread of the disease. Personal items of the patient should be kept separate and hands should be washed frequently. Generally, this disease gets cured in 7 to 10 days, but if the pain or swelling increases, there is a lot of swelling, there are blisters or sores on the eyelids and home remedies do not help, consult a doctor.

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