This precious herb will cure tooth, ear, head and joint pain

This precious herb will cure tooth, ear, head and joint pain: Let us tell you that Pushkarmool is one of the most important herbs. It contains anti-histamine, anti-bacterial, anti-viral etc. properties, which remove many problems related to the body. Pushkarmool is also known as Pohkarmool in Hindi. Known as orris root in English.

Let us tell you that today’s article is about this herb. Today we will tell you through this article that Pushkarmool herb is very useful for health. We will also tell you about how to use it.


  • Pushkarmool can be very useful for you to get rid of the problem of arthritis. For this you grind the seeds of Pushkarmool and prepare its paste. Now apply that lap on the affected area. By doing this, the problem of arthritis will be removed, along with the pain in the joints will also be relieved.

Skin related problem:

  • Pushkarmool proves to be very good for removing skin related problem. To do this you grind the pushkarmool and apply it on the affected area. Doing this is beneficial in wounds, swellings, etc. Apart from this, if a decoction of Pushkarmool is applied on the affected skin, even if it is washed, the skin related problem is cured.


  • Pushkarmool also cures the problem of fever. For this you grind the basil leaves and small pipili along with the pushkarmool. Consume this mixture in limited quantities in the morning and evening. However, you have to consult a doctor to take this dosage. Doing this will provide relief from fever, apart from this, if a person is not interested in food due to fever, consumption of this mixture will make him interested in eating.


  • Pushkarmool is very useful for getting relief from earache. For this you prepare the juice of pushkaramool and put 1 or 2 drops of this juice in the ear. Doing this will not only relieve the earache, but also relieve the headache caused by the earache.


  • For those who are bothered by cough and dyspnea, let us tell you that Pushkarmool can be helpful to get rid of your problem. For this you have to consume Pushkarmool with honey. By doing this, the swelling in the respiratory system is removed and at the same time, the problem of cough, asthma, TB etc. is also relieved. This precious herb will cure tooth, ear, head and joint pain.


  • Pushkarmool can be very useful to remove many problems related to teeth. Then you prepare the powder of Pushkarmool and rub it on your teeth. By doing this, toothache can be relieved and also get rid of bad breath, oral health, gum weakness etc. This precious herb will cure tooth, ear, head and joint pain.

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Thus, you can use this herb called Pushkarmool to get protection against many diseases. Pushkarmool is also very useful for maintaining good health. Apart from this, it should be consumed in limited quantities. This precious herb will cure tooth, ear, head and joint pain.

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