Gram Panchayat Work Report Online.

We know that our country is a democratic country. A democratic country is ruled by the people of the country. People have to fight elections to rule the country. After winning this election, one gets a chance to serve the people. There are thousands of villages in our country. Also, there are many village panchayats in this village.

Gram Panchayats are formed in the villages to develop the villages. Also, Sarpanch is appointed to improve the village panchayat and the village. Gram Panchayats get many grants from the government for smooth running. This grant is to develop our village.

In this development, the central government or the state government gives grants to the villages. The grant is to be used for good village roads, drainage and developmental works. Many times we see that these grants are not being used for development purposes but corruption is taking place.

To prevent this corruption, the government has launched an app for which the government has launched an app and through this app you can check online at home in your mobile that how many grants have come to your village and how many of them have been used.

Important Links:

• તમારા ગામનો કામનો રિપોર્ટ જોવા સરકારની એપ ડાઉનલોડ કરવા – અહી ક્લિક કરો 

• વેબસાઈટ દ્વારા કામનો રિપોર્ટ જોવા – અહી ક્લિક કરો 

For that, the government has launched an app called e Swaraj in which you can get all the information about the grant at home. Also you can get all the information about how much grant has come in your city taluka and village and how much grant money has not been used.

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