If you want to avoid a terrible disease like cancer, you must eat these 10 things

A superfood is a food – mostly plant-based, but also includes some fish and dairy – that is considered to be nutritionally dense and, thus, good for anyone’s health. It has high vitamin and mineral content. Superfoods have become a term synonymous with ultra-healthy, nutrient-dense, plant-based foods and supplements.

Superfood has actually become a term synonymous with ultra-healthy, nutrient-dense, plant-based foods and supplements.

Suppose the abnormal cells in your body do not die, but multiply at a higher rate? This process is called cancer where abnormal cells grow at an uncontrolled growth rate, thus forming abnormal cells that multiply.

  • Here are some tips to get more calories and protein:
    Break up your three-hour meals into several small meals that are eaten throughout the day.
    Eat small meals at intervals of a few hours, don’t wait until you feel hungry.
    Add some nuts or healthy seeds to your salad.
    When you feel very hungry, eat. For example, if you are most hungry in the morning, eat breakfast on a full stomach.
    Consume more high-calorie, high-protein drinks.
    Consume fluids between meals. Consuming fluids with meals can make your stomach feel fuller.
    Take a short walk or light exercise before meals to improve your appetite.
    If you take your favorite food, eat it, don’t suppress your hunger.
  • Superfoods for cancer patients
    Superfoods are easy on our stomachs to digest, not too difficult to prepare, and packed with nutrients that can help you deal with the side effects of cancer treatment. The following are some of the superfoods that can be included in a cancer patient’s diet:

Superfoods for cancer patients
Superfoods are easy on our stomachs to digest, not too difficult to prepare, and packed with nutrients that can help you deal with the side effects of cancer treatment. The following are some of the superfoods that can be included in a cancer patient’s diet:

Consume fruits that are easy to eat, fresh and high in water content, including berries, melons, bananas, pineapples, pears, etc. Blueberries contain a number of phytochemicals and nutrients that have shown anti-cancer effects, antioxidant activity and the ability to protect against DNA damage.

Raspberries and strawberries are rich in antioxidants like vitamin C, phytochemicals and flavonoids.

Tomatoes contain a phytochemical called lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant and may be associated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer. Tomatoes are a good source of vitamin C as well as bioavailable sodium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium and sulphur. Glutathione present in tomatoes increases the immunity of the body and also protects the body from prostate cancer.

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